mandag, november 03, 2008

Skal vi leke sammen?

Jeg kjeder meg, så jeg hermer etter Gunhild min:)

Det du gjør er så sette iTunes, iPod or whatever på shuffle og la sangtitlene være svaret på spørsmålene. Kjempegøy! :) ikke sant Gunhild?he he

How are you feeling today?
Then you said something - Minor majority : gidd å ødelegge dagen min da!

How do your friends see you?
Best I ever had - David Gray : takk takk;)

Will you get married?
Im your's - Jason Mraz : versego..det var visst enkelt..

What is your best friend's theme song?
Miss you - Lifehouse :I do miss my Jordan..

What is the story of your life?
Love don't love me - Eric Benet : heem..urovekkende

What was high school like?
Great indoors - John Mayer : fint var det visst

How can you get ahead in life?
Waiting for your love - TOTO : get ahead... ikke vente he

What is the best thing about your friends?
Boom boom Boom - Johnny Lee Hooker & Blues Brothers : javel..høres ut som vennene min er rimelig billige....

What is tonight going to be like?
Hallelujah, i love him so - Eva Cassidy : ha ha sant..;)

What is in store for the reminder of this weekend?
Arne - postgirobygget ...heem..muligens jeg dør? men jeg er lykkelig!he he

What song describes you?
Blond on blond- Nada surf : ler høyt..ha ha

To describe your grandparents?
One day i'll fly away - Nicole Kidman

How is your life going?
Hold the line - TOTO : i will

What song will they play at your funeral?
Bubbelgum - Mr. Loco :Ha ha ha ha..gjør det...

How does the world see you?
Your body is a wonderland - John Mayer :fytti så overfladisk..ha ha

Will you have a happy life?
Come fly with me - Michael Bubble : hvis du vil fly med meg'? lets fly away!

What do your friends really think of you?
Got it from my momma - Will I Am: nok en gang ha ha

Do people secretly lust after you?
We worship you - Casting Crowns :ha ha ha..

How can you make yourself happy?
Lie to me - Daniel Powter : oki...da sier vi det sånn

What should you do with your life?
I always get what i want - Avril Lavigne : ikke helt sant men men..

Will you ever have children?
Baby, can I hold you tonight - Boyzone : det blir fort barn av sånnt..ikke sant??

3 kommentarer:

Johanne sa...

hehe.. løye :)

Johanne sa...

me må så sykt finna på någe snart!

nå la eg btw merke te youtubefilmen du har i forrige innlegg.. Eg e SÅÅ enige! Den va sinnsyge den dansen der.. måtte inn på nette å se an omigjen før programme va ferigt ;)

Gunhild Marie sa...

Hehe... konge at du har kopiert spelereglane mine, MEN oversatt dei til bokmål...hehe ;)